This is a place to ask technical questions about Synfig Studio. For bug report please consider to use our bugtracker at GitHub. For animation-specific questions please use community forms.


Поддержка работает?

vaisan 1 год назад 0

у вас работает поддержка synfig? Я вижу последние вопросы были 3 года назад и раньше. Форум самого synfig не реагирует на мои вопросы


Error message occurs when opening project

Neksty D 5 лет назад 0

I was making an animation on synfig using the skeleton and the skeleton started malfunctioning so I saved my project and closed synfig then opened it again but when I tried to open it it showed this error message <nil>:6553535:error

I can't access it anymore. How can I fix this?


when i want to save my work, it is not saved and there is an error message "there is no disc on f drive" how can i fix this situation?

yozbey 5 лет назад обновлен Morevna Project 5 лет назад 1

How to motion tween on synfig

Hephan A 6 лет назад обновлен Morevna Project 6 лет назад 1
На рассмотрении

Open archive

lilameo 7 лет назад обновлен Morevna Project 7 лет назад 3

i download the New oficial version of Synfig and all was working perfect, i save my project and when tried to open later to continue, It chashed Synfig or appeared a message that a Error ocurred (bug) and the archive don't open. 


Render crashes the program, apart from using the flv or multiple png parameters

TimN 7 лет назад обновлен Morevna Project 7 лет назад 3

Synfig crashes whenever I try to render an animation. "synfigstudio quit unexpectedly."

The only exceptions are rendering as a png sequence or as an fly file. These work OK. How do I create an .mp4, .mov or .mpeg or .avi movies?

Morevna Project 7 лет назад


This is how to render to avi/mp4 file:

1. Choose File -> Render

2.  CHoose "ffmpeg" from "Target" dropdown.

3. Click "Choose" button and select destination directory for file. Also set filename and make sure it ends with ".avi" (or ".mp4). Click OK to close file selection dialogue.

3. Click "Render".


I downloaded it but I cant open it .

Bigg_gstile 7 лет назад обновлен 7 лет назад 6

I have already downloaded it but I can’t find something that lets me open it .

Morevna Project 7 лет назад

1. Please download installation file from here -

2. Run the installation file and go through installation steps.

After installation is completed, you can start application. Here is how to do that:

1. open start menu - hit button with Windows icon on your keyboard.

2. Type "Synfig" into search box.

3. An icon of Synfig will appear. Click on it to start application.


Text box crashes Synfig all the time(URGENT!!)

CIE Student 7 лет назад обновлен Morevna Project 7 лет назад 1

I'm using the Synfig version 1.2.0, and whenever I try to place a text box the software crashes. 

Could it be my computer or is it some software glitch? I will be using Synfig for my A - level IT exam and we are required to input text, so any help on this matter is appreciable. 

Thank you

Morevna Project 7 лет назад


I assuming that your OS is Windows. When you use the text tool for first time Synfig will freeze for a few minutes because it creates a font cache for your system. Just wait until the application start responding again (you will see a text layer appeared on workarea when this happens).

When you will use Text Tool next time there is no delay should happen.


Shape tween in Synfig Studio 1.2.0

worriedITstudent_1 7 лет назад обновлен Morevna Project 7 лет назад 1

I've been trying to change a circle into a square, but there doesn't seem to be a straightforward method available (like in Adobe Animate). I have also gone through discussions regarding similar problems, but all of them require a series of steps. I will be using this software for my exams, so I will not have much time for each task. Any insight is appreciated

Morevna Project 7 лет назад


Please check this tutorial to learn how to create circle using shapes -

And here is the second tutorial showing how to animate shapes -


Synfig don't starts on OS X

Will Zur 7 лет назад обновлен Morevna Project 7 лет назад 1

I'm on OS X yosemite, Synfig don't open have you any solution to fix that, My Mac tell me "verification of Synfig" and that's all. The It stays with this error message for hours... What did I do ?

Morevna Project 7 лет назад

Hello! Starting from October 13, 2017 we are providing optimized package for OSX users, which should eliminate the problem you have. Please check which package you use - if size is about 500 Mb then it is not the optimized one. The size of optimized one is about 100Mb.

Please check details here -

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho