Your comments


I assuming that your OS is Windows. When you use the text tool for first time Synfig will freeze for a few minutes because it creates a font cache for your system. Just wait until the application start responding again (you will see a text layer appeared on workarea when this happens).

When you will use Text Tool next time there is no delay should happen.

Hello! Starting from October 13, 2017 we are providing optimized package for OSX users, which should eliminate the problem you have. Please check which package you use - if size is about 500 Mb then it is not the optimized one. The size of optimized one is about 100Mb.

Please check details here -

The cost of being Identified developer is $99/yr. Unfortunately, this is something that we cannot afford at the moment.

See also -

Hello Lil!

Unfortunately, currently delay of Sound doesn't work correctly. So, it's best to use audio editor to delay sound. After that, PGO file should be re-generated from delayed audio.

If you want to delay PGO file only (without taking care about sound), then you can put it into group and hen change "Time Offset" parameter of this group.

Здравствуйте, Стас!

Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что файл "Харбас.zvi.sifz" сохранён в папке где лежит файл "dvor-mnogoetazki.jpg".

После этого откройте файл "Харбас.zvi.sifz" и выберите самый нижний слой - жёлтая папка с именем "dvor-mnogoetazki.jpg". Раскройте эту папку - внутри будет другой слой с таким же именем (но иконка другая). Выделите этот слой. В панели параметров найдите параметр "Величина" (amount) и установидте для него значение 1.0. Фон должен появиться.

P.S. Это баг в Synfig Studio - когда файл не найден он выставляет параметр "величина" в ноль. Наверное вы открывали файл "Харбас.zvi.sifz" когда "dvor-mnogoetazki.jpg" был в другом месте. В результате, параметр "величина" стал нулевым и вы сохранили файл. Поэтому фон перестал появляться. Этот баг мы исправили и в следующей версии Synfig Studio его уже не будет.


You can import reference sound file: just choose "File" -> "Import" from menu and select file (it should be in WAV format, 48000 Hz, 16 bit).
Unfortunately, Synfig yet cannot export sound when rendering animation to video.

So, it's best to render your animation into AVI format or PNG image sequence, then insert it into some video editor and add sound.

Hello Jake! It is safe to skip verification when you open DMG file.

After DMG file opens, please copy into your Application folder and start from there.

If you get "SynfigStudio can't be opened because it comes from a non identified developer" error, then you can solve this in the following way:

Please go to System Preferences > Security and privacy. Press the "Open anyway" button.

I hope that helps. ^__^

Hello Jake!

Sure, please use the anonymous link to download any development version -

...and here is a link for stable version downloads: